Foundation Maps Brings Philanthropic Data To Life!

Image of Foundation Maps by Foundation Center

Foundation Maps Brings Philanthropic Data To Life!

Foundation Maps Brings Philanthropic Data To Life! 450 240 Isaac Schild

A service from the Foundation Center called Foundation Maps is a terrific new offering that brings philanthropic data to life and makes it easy to “understand who is funding what and where around the world.”

From listing the total number of grants being given regionally/globally, to the number of funders per country, to the value and number of recipients in a selected region this tool offers impactful information and insight.

The site allows users to search over 13,645,000 grants, 101,500 foundations, and 863,000 recipients, and try the service for free.

This is but another great tool being offered by the Foundation Center. In addition to the map view of the information, you can also review the data by List view and through an advanced search function.

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Image of what the site looks like, text saying, "See what is being funded around the world"