Quotes In The Report:
“Women and girls should be able to lead the lives we want, wherever we’re born and wherever we live. This simple view is the reason that we collaborated on this report. We hope that the data in it can be used to help get us there. Data is knowledge, and knowledge is power—in this case, the power to help women and girls build a better future. Data can tell us where they have made the most progress, and we can use this information to achieve even more in the years to come. Data can also identify areas where progress has been lacking. It’s frustrating to see, in the pages of this report, how many of these areas there are—but when we identify the biggest gaps we have what amounts to a blueprint for action. It is time to act, to build on the progress we’ve made, to finish the job. My hope is that when you finish reading this, you will have a better sense of what you can do to make a difference in the next 20 years.” -Melinda Gates
“Twenty years ago, at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, I was proud to join leaders from 189 nations and representatives from civil society organizations to declare with one voice that “women’s rights are human rights.” Two decades later, we’re taking stock of where women and girls have made gains and where gaps remain. This report shows that progress is possible—and that more work remains. I hope it serves as a wake-up call, and also as a call to action for us all. We now have even more evidence that advancing the full participation of women and girls expands prosperity and stability for entire societies. So unlocking the potential of women and girls around the world is both the right thing to do and it is also the smart thing to do. It is time to renew our effort to address the great unfinished business of the 21st century. Onward!” -Hillary Rodham Clinton
“Ultimately, this report is about the future. The data about the past 20 years are important because they help us understand what has driven progress or impeded progress for women and girls, which importantly, will help us better focus our efforts in the years ahead to ensure more women and girls are able to chart their own lives. We hope this report and data visualization will both motivate today’s global leaders and inspire the next generation of leaders. We need all the creativity, ingenuity and fearlessness possible to help devise innovative solutions to finish the work that remains. Young voices, ideas and leadership are vital if we are to make the full participation of women and girls a reality in the 21st century.” -Chelsea Clinton
Read The Full Participation Report From The Clinton Foundation here.