Job Seeker FAQ’s
How do I apply?
To apply with Foundation List job seekers should search our open nonprofit jobs. If you do not see a job you are interested in we recommend creating a job seeker account with us an then creating a job alert.
How do I post a job?
Posting a job with us is done online only take a few moments. Click here to post your open positions.
Our job board is designed for nonprofits, foundations, associations, educational institutions (Universities, K-12, private and public) and healthcare organizations.
How large is your audience and or network?
We are a national employment job site and network for nonprofits, foundations, educational institutions and healthcare/medical organizations and associations. Foundationlist.org has received over 7,120,000 impressions over the past 12 months and over 7000 articles/pages link to our sites exist driving significant traffic. More and more nonprofit organizations, healthcare organizations, foundations, associations and schools are finding recruitment success in our growing network! Our connections are multiplying, and it is our great pleasure to serve the nonprofit sector across the United States and beyond!
Is there a cost for job seekers?
No there is no cost to apply to the positions on our site or register with us.
What should I do if an employer asks for sensitive information?
Never share your tax information, Social Security number, or any other sensitive details during the interview process. Only provide this information once you are confident you have been hired by a reputable employer. Unfortunately, employment fraud is becoming increasingly common. We recommend reviewing this insightful blog from Scion Staffing, a highly reputable recruiting agency, which provides valuable tips on how to avoid recruiting scams. If you suspect an employer is fraudulent please reach out to our team immediately at info@foundationlist.org.
Employer FAQ’s
How do I post a job?
Posting a job with us is done online only take a few moments. Click here to post your open nonprofit positions.
How much is it to post a job?
Job posting costs start at just $99.00 per posting. More information can be found here:
How do I edit, update, or close my job post?
While logged in you may edit or close your job postings at anytime by selecting:
Post Jobs -> Manage Jobs & Account or by clicking here.
How do I get a copy of the paid receipt for my job posting?
Each time a job is posted our system automatically sends you a paid receipt via stripe. Please make sure to check your spam folders as at times it may be there.
Do you offer posting packages?
We do not offer packages or charge a monthly fee; instead, there is a per-posting cost. To post more than one job, simply create an employer account with us and click “Post Job.” Our system allows you to securely save your credit card information, making it easier to post additional jobs in the future.
How large is your audience and or network?
We are a national employment job site and network for nonprofits, foundations, educational institutions and healthcare/medical organizations and associations. Foundationlist.org has received over 4,400,000 impressions over the past 12 months and over 7000 articles/pages link to our sites exist driving significant traffic. More and more nonprofit organizations, healthcare organizations, foundations, associations and schools are finding recruitment success in our growing network! Our connections are multiplying, and it is our great pleasure to serve the nonprofit sector across the United States and beyond!
Are there any additional costs after I pay for my posting?
No there are no additional costs. Only the one-time cost per job post.
If I post a position and it gets filled prior to the end date, am I able to replace it with another?
Each post is separate and not considered a job slot. While you can edit the details and main content of a post, jobs are not designed to be updated with entirely new titles or locations.
Do you offer a free trial, or can I post jobs for free?
While costs to post with Foundation List are kept low as we service the nonprofit sector, we do not offer a free trial.
How many candidates will I get from the posting?
There is no guaranteed number of applicants you will receive. Candidate response depends on various factors, such as the job location, worksite type, pay rate, title, regional competitiveness, and the overall appeal of the opportunity and your organization. Some postings may attract 1, 5, 25, 50, or even 100+ applicants, while others may generate limited interest if the job or employer is less attractive to job seekers. Each opportunity is unique. For example, part-time positions may appeal to fewer candidates. Additionally, response rates can vary based on the type of job and the industry. Remote jobs typically attract the most applicants, but onsite positions are also actively being recruited for on Foundation List.
Can I list my organization on Foundation List?
You may add your organization to our network via our site here. This will also allow you to get updates from our job board.
Is Foundation List a 501c3?
Foundation is a job website designed for nonprofits, foundations, educational institutions and healthcare/medical organizations and associations. It is an S-Corporation run via socially conscious business practices that is active in the nonprofit sector. Foundation List is not a 501(c)(3) but is connected to, and devoted to supporting and servicing the nonprofit sector.
Can for-profit organizations use Foundation List?
Foundation List is designed to promote jobs in the nonprofit sector. Organizations connected to and that are seeking nonprofit passionate candidates are the best match to use our job board. Traditionally companies and recruiters that service the nonprofit sector may also post on our site.
What is Foundation List's mission?
It is our mission to connect experienced professionals with impactful foundations, nonprofit organizations, healthcare organizations, associations and educational institutions.